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160 products
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GK-Organics Kalong Grow & Bloom grow and flower nutrient These fertilizers contain only nitrogen and potassium, and are at their best when used in combination with Guanokalong® powder (rich in phosphorus, calcium and micro-elements) in order to make up the phosphorus requirements of the plant sufficiently. Kalong Grow has more Nitrogen than Potassium and Kalong. Bloom has more Potassium than Nitrogen. Kalong Grow is based on animal proteins and sugar molasses. Kalong Bloom is based on sugar molasses. Both fertilizers don’t contain any guano and phosphorus. Guanokalong® powder has an average value of 10% phosphorus. This phosphorus becomes gradually available from week 1, right up until the end of the cycle.
GK-Organics Kalong Bloom organic flower nutrient Liquid can be used in soil and Coco. Immediate release for controlled cultivation. Organic contents ensure controlled long release of nutrients. Stimulates present micro life in substrate. Non-aggressive for roots due to low salt index. Only contains products annex 2 (EEG) nr. 2092/91 organic productions.
Ripening Fertilizing Powder
Our ripening solution, HyperBloom®, tested and approved for years in the English-speaking world, is finally available to the European market!
HyperBloom® is a fertilizer enriched with phosphorus, potassium and sulfur, which accelerates the maturation process of your plants and promotes flowering and fruiting.
Thanks to the variety of its sources of active ingredients, it is easily assimilated and adapts to all types and environments of culture, hydroponics and soil.
An even more concentrated formula, for more savings !
How HyperBloom® works :
– It informs the plant of the end of its life cycle and accelerates its maturation process
– It provides the plant with the mineral salts it needs for floral mass expansion
– HyperBloom® optimizes and improves both yield and crops’ flavors
– It bulks up the production of essential oils and active ingredients at the last stage of fruiting/flowering
Indoors, you can optimize the end of the growth cycle by accelerating the maturation of lazy plants or late varieties.
HyperBloom®, Terra Aquatica
GK-Organics Kalong Grow & Bloom grow and flower nutrient These fertilizers contain only nitrogen and potassium, and are at their best when used in combination with Guanokalong® powder (rich in phosphorus, calcium and micro-elements) in order to make up the phosphorus requirements of the plant sufficiently. Kalong Grow has more Nitrogen than Potassium and Kalong. Bloom has more Potassium than Nitrogen. Kalong Grow is based on animal proteins and sugar molasses. Kalong Bloom is based on sugar molasses. Both fertilizers don’t contain any guano and phosphorus. Guanokalong® powder has an average value of 10% phosphorus. This phosphorus becomes gradually available from week 1, right up until the end of the cycle.
GK-Organics Kalong Grow organic grow nutrient Liquid can be used in soil and Coco. Immediate release for controlled cultivation. Organic contents ensure controlled long release of nutrients. Stimulates present micro life in substrate. Non-aggressive for roots due to low salt index. Only contains products annex 2 (EEG) nr. 2092/91 organic productions.
CANNA Start is a balanced one-part nutrient for seedlings and (rooted) cuttings. CANNA Start can be used on various substrates like rockwool plugs, Coco pellets, jiffy plugs, seed-mixes and most other propagation media, except re-circulating systems and clone machines. Propagation media are media on which you can reproduce plants. CANNA Start gives you all the micro- and macro nutritional elements for a seedling or cutting to develop into a strong healthy plant. Only one bottle needed. CANNA Start is a complete one-part nutrient, meaning it contains all the elements needed in one bottle. (No A and B versions needed)
CANNA Start is a balanced one-part nutrient for seedlings and (rooted) cuttings. CANNA Start can be used on various substrates like rockwool plugs, Coco pellets, jiffy plugs, seed-mixes and most other propagation media, except re-circulating systems and clone machines. Propagation media are media on which you can reproduce plants. CANNA Start gives you all the micro- and macro nutritional elements for a seedling or cutting to develop into a strong healthy plant. Only one bottle needed. CANNA Start is a complete one-part nutrient, meaning it contains all the elements needed in one bottle. (No A and B versions needed)
The Messiah contains every essential plant nutrient and pH optimization in one product. This makes Messiah the only ‘single step’ feed on the market. All other one part fertilizers require the addition of potassium hydroxide, or lack one essential nutrient. Messiah contains more nutrition than any other nutrient feed. Feel the weight of this bottle, The Messiah is the heaviest base nutrient product on the market! It contains micronutrients chelated with organic acid technology and includes unique technology that instantly dechlorinates tap water. You no longer need to wait 24h for these toxins to gas off! The high calcium and low chlorine content in The Messiah allows plants to thrive in coco media where sodium toxicity can impede plant growth.
Indica Nutrients THE MESSIAH is the ultimate solution for plant nutrition and pH optimization. With all essential nutrients in one product, it is the only 'single step' feed available. Its unique formula includes chelated micronutrients and technology that instantly dechlorinates tap water. Suitable for coco media, it contains high calcium and low chlorine for optimal plant growth.
VEG+BLOOM RO/SOFT one part soft water nutrient RO/SOFT is great for all hydroponic applications such as rockwool and Coco and can also be used in peat moss substrates. It’s specially formulated for soft water (under 200PPMS or .1-.3 EC). When you dissolve VEG+BLOOM into your final volume of water, the solutions now contains all the essential nutrients for maximum growth potential. VEG+BLOOM RO/SOFT includes everything other liquid multi part nutrient contains in a one part powder. It also includes what other nutrients companies sell as additives, such as amino, silica, fulvic acids and bio active growth stimulants, all as standard component at no extra cost or work.
Pro Organic (formerly G.O. Thrive) organic range two part plant food Highly concentrated, fully organic, 2-part liquid nutrient. The first and only complete certified organic nutrient for all substrates. With a pedigree dating back to 2004, General Organics Thrive has been in commercial use around the world for years, including by our partners Les Sourciers. General Organics Thrive is a practical and incredibly effective way to feed your plants organically, for hobby growers and professionals alike. The General Organics: Thrive formulas are specifically designed to meet the needs of all plants throughout growth, flowering and fruiting. We base our formulations on ecological principles that maintain respect for the environment whilst providing plants with balanced, effective nutrition. Thrive actively improves the root environment by feeding microbes that live in harmony with your plant. This provides the essential nutrition and environment to deliver healthy vegetative growth, flowering and fruiting. Thrive is ideal for every type of plant and will work wonders as a standalone product: when we say “complete” we mean it: you don’t need additional elements for a successful, bountiful grow, in most water.
VEG+BLOOM TAP/HARD one part hard water nutrient TAP/HARD is great for all hydroponic applications such as rockwool and grow stones. Being a more acidic formula, specifically for neutralizing alkaline water supply, (200+PPMS or 0.4-0.7 EC). When you dissolve VEG+BLOOM in to your final volume of water, the solutions now contains essential nutrients for maximum growth potential. VEG+BLOOM base nutrients and additives are a complete formula that incorporate all the essential building blocks to grow a healthy plant in all phases of its life-cycle. Nothing else is needed besides a CalMag source and pH buffers. The base includes: calcium, magnesium, beneficial bacteria/fungi, anti-scaling agents, sugars, nitrogen, potassium, silica and phosphorous to name a few. This product was created for its simplicity and exceptional results. The base nutrients were specifically formulated for different mediums, growing systems and water qualities.
VEG+BLOOM TAP/HARD one part hard water nutrient TAP/HARD is great for all hydroponic applications such as rockwool and grow stones. Being a more acidic formula, specifically for neutralizing alkaline water supply, (200+PPMS or 0.4-0.7 EC). When you dissolve VEG+BLOOM in to your final volume of water, the solutions now contains essential nutrients for maximum growth potential. VEG+BLOOM base nutrients and additives are a complete formula that incorporate all the essential building blocks to grow a healthy plant in all phases of its life-cycle. Nothing else is needed besides a CalMag source and pH buffers. The base includes: calcium, magnesium, beneficial bacteria/fungi, anti-scaling agents, sugars, nitrogen, potassium, silica and phosphorous to name a few. This product was created for its simplicity and exceptional results. The base nutrients were specifically formulated for different mediums, growing systems and water qualities.