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44 products
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Overgrow complete foliar feed plant booster Optic Foliar OVERGROW is the only product on the market that is a dynamic, multi-purpose, ready-to-use spray that combines performance and growth with overall plant health. OVERGROW is a combination of Watts, Rev and Attack with the addition of Transport in a ready to use spray, correct deficiencies and provide increased performance! Match that with the ability to spray in full sunlight, with no burning or the need to spray the undersides of leaves, and you have the only all-in-one spray with no negative side effects from leaf burn to residuals. OVERGROW then provides a full spectrum of NPK, micro nutrients as well as a full complement of vitamins, sugars, amino acids and B1 to further increase growth and supplement further yield increases. OVERGROW is the only foliar spray on the market to work synergistically with your plants to increase light intake, nutrient uptake while also directly feeding the plant and preventing mould and bugs — all with the lights on — no damage or burning — and you only need to spray the tops of the leaves — OVERGROW... spray it, see it be-leaf it!
Say good bye to residuals and odours when combating bugs with a Optic Foliar EVIOS. A new style of natural bug spray that utilizes non traditional plant extracts to make your garden pest free. Our non oil based no odour solutions combats a wide variety of pests while also allowing you to apply in full sunlight without having to spray the undersides of leaves. The only late stage flower safe solution.
For each liter of water:
Add 10 ml/ 2 teaspoon of EVIOS & 7.5 ml/ 1.5 teaspoon of TRANSPORT.
For each gallon of water:
Add 40 ml /8 teaspoon of EVIOS & 30 ml / 6 teaspoon of TRANSPORT.
Do not Ph adjust solution
Shake and spray weekly or as needed.
Usage Notes
No need to Ph solution
Can be applied lights on
Make sure to turn off fans before spraying
Basic PPE is recommended for anyone with sensitive respiratory system
Can be mixed and stored long term.
Store in a cool dark place away from heat and light.
When mixed with Other Optic Foliar products, make sure to mix and use right away.
Push foliar feed PUSH is a foliar spray that feeds through stems and leaves increasing chlorophyll production. It stimulates cell division while simultaneously providing Calcium and Silica for strong growth. Easy foliar application of PUSH increases plant vigor and maximizes quality of new growth with the lights or off. As a foliar application, it goes a long way, 50ml/Gal covers up to 12m2 of canopy. Plant derived hormones increase cell division while simultaneously providing Calcium and Silica for strong growth. Reduces time required for veg phase. Easy foliar application of PUSH increases plant vigor and maximizes quality of new growth with the lights on or off. Engineered for easy application, add 50ml/Gal (covers up to 12m2 of canopy). Most products require a sticker spreader or surfactant to maximize adsorption, PUSH is all in one.
Push foliar feed PUSH is a foliar spray that feeds through stems and leaves increasing chlorophyll production. It stimulates cell division while simultaneously providing Calcium and Silica for strong growth. Easy foliar application of PUSH increases plant vigor and maximizes quality of new growth with the lights or off. As a foliar application, it goes a long way, 50ml/Gal covers up to 12m2 of canopy. Plant derived hormones increase cell division while simultaneously providing Calcium and Silica for strong growth. Reduces time required for veg phase. Easy foliar application of PUSH increases plant vigor and maximizes quality of new growth with the lights on or off. Engineered for easy application, add 50ml/Gal (covers up to 12m2 of canopy). Most products require a sticker spreader or surfactant to maximize adsorption, PUSH is all in one.
BOOSTERS the industry standard in boosters Through our research on organic stimulators we have found an extraordinary line of products that we are proud to include in our range. The Terra Aquatica Pro Roots, Pro Bloom and Protect were developed by independent researchers, and our tests, as well as those conducted by several of our clients, were dazzling! Conformed to European regulation CE N° 834/2007 on organic agriculture, manufactured naturally and totally biodegradable. Protect (formerly G.H. Protect) concentrated plant protection TA Protect strengthens a plant’s immune system repelling insects by increasing the production of alkaloidal repulsive saps in the leaves and flowers. Apply as a foliar spray up to early flowering. Fully organic.
BOOSTERS the industry standard in boosters Through our research on organic stimulators we have found an extraordinary line of products that we are proud to include in our range. The Terra Aquatica Pro Roots, Pro Bloom and Protect were developed by independent researchers, and our tests, as well as those conducted by several of our clients, were dazzling! Conformed to European regulation CE N° 834/2007 on organic agriculture, manufactured naturally and totally biodegradable. Protect (formerly G.H. Protect) concentrated plant protection TA Protect strengthens a plant’s immune system repelling insects by increasing the production of alkaloidal repulsive saps in the leaves and flowers. Apply as a foliar spray up to early flowering. Fully organic.
BOOSTERS the industry standard in boosters Through our research on organic stimulators we have found an extraordinary line of products that we are proud to include in our range. The Terra Aquatica Pro Roots, Pro Bloom and Protect were developed by independent researchers, and our tests, as well as those conducted by several of our clients, were dazzling! Conformed to European regulation CE N° 834/2007 on organic agriculture, manufactured naturally and totally biodegradable. Protect (formerly G.H. Protect) concentrated plant protection TA Protect strengthens a plant’s immune system repelling insects by increasing the production of alkaloidal repulsive saps in the leaves and flowers. Apply as a foliar spray up to early flowering. Fully organic.
WATTS increased leaf efficiency Optic Foliar WATTS allows the plant to utilize additional energy provided to the plant through sunlight and supplemental HID lighting. Thus allowing the plant to optimize the Calvin Cycle and exponentially increase growth rates that lead to improved yields! High quality hydroponic lights and ballasts are key to growing plants successfully. Using Optic Foliar WATTS will allow for better light usage and efficiency within the plant, and dramatically increase growth rates. WATTS stimulate chlorophyll/ chloroplast production, increasing the ATP cycle in the leaves also known as the ‘molecular unit of currency of intercellular energy’. Optic Foliar WATTS can thus be used to turbocharge plant growth and light efficiency within the mesophyll layer
WATTS increased leaf efficiency Optic Foliar WATTS allows the plant to utilize additional energy provided to the plant through sunlight and supplemental HID lighting. Thus allowing the plant to optimize the Calvin Cycle and exponentially increase growth rates that lead to improved yields! High quality hydroponic lights and ballasts are key to growing plants successfully. Using Optic Foliar WATTS will allow for better light usage and efficiency within the plant, and dramatically increase growth rates. WATTS stimulate chlorophyll/ chloroplast production, increasing the ATP cycle in the leaves also known as the ‘molecular unit of currency of intercellular energy’. Optic Foliar WATTS can thus be used to turbocharge plant growth and light efficiency within the mesophyll layer
WATTS increased leaf efficiency Optic Foliar WATTS allows the plant to utilize additional energy provided to the plant through sunlight and supplemental HID lighting. Thus allowing the plant to optimize the Calvin Cycle and exponentially increase growth rates that lead to improved yields! High quality hydroponic lights and ballasts are key to growing plants successfully. Using Optic Foliar WATTS will allow for better light usage and efficiency within the plant, and dramatically increase growth rates. WATTS stimulate chlorophyll/ chloroplast production, increasing the ATP cycle in the leaves also known as the ‘molecular unit of currency of intercellular energy’. Optic Foliar WATTS can thus be used to turbocharge plant growth and light efficiency within the mesophyll layer
TRANSPORT leaf absorption enabler Optic Foliar TRANSPORT is a revolutionary delivery agent that delivers the active ingredients within your spray into the plant through the leaves stomata, which increases gas exchange and allows plants to absorb spray solutions. Unlike traditional sprays, TRANSPORT can be sprayed on plants even with the lights on and without the need to adjust the spray’s pH. Another benefit to using TRANSPORT is that you can use it with any foliar application (growth enhancers, insecticides etc ) and it allows you to half the application rate of the product you want to use, thus saving money and reducing the amount of product you need to keep your plants healthy!
TRANSPORT leaf absorption enabler Optic Foliar TRANSPORT is a revolutionary delivery agent that delivers the active ingredients within your spray into the plant through the leaves stomata, which increases gas exchange and allows plants to absorb spray solutions. Unlike traditional sprays, TRANSPORT can be sprayed on plants even with the lights on and without the need to adjust the spray’s pH. Another benefit to using TRANSPORT is that you can use it with any foliar application (growth enhancers, insecticides etc ) and it allows you to half the application rate of the product you want to use, thus saving money and reducing the amount of product you need to keep your plants healthy!